Custom Website for a Consulting Firm

1 Client
RDB Concepts is a consultancy company with speciality in database and operating system requirements. A UK based digital agency reached out to Infigic to build the Custom WordPress theme based on the designs provided by them.
2 Requirements
Custom WordPress Development with below features :
- Social Media Integration – If someone wants to follow them on Facebook,Twitter in order to know new products and various offers.
- Locked Content pages – In case someone wants to read in detail some white paper on certain technology.
- Registration Module -Sign in form as prerequisite to download locked content.
- Auto Generated News articles page – Updated information about various services that RDB provides and existing in the market.
- Consultation form – So that RDB can get customers’ inquiries within minutes along with solutions about their problems.

3 Our Approach
- Created the HTML based on the PSDs provided by the design agency.
- Integrated HTML into WordPress.
4 Technology
- WordPress

As the project finally came through, it had an amazing UI, great response time and scalability, user and business owner requested features, and improved user experience including RWD.
Infigic developed the website and the website is live and available at